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StageCoach Theatre School was started in the summer of 1999 by Simon Henson, Lynda Jensen and Margaret Jardine, and since the spring of 2000, has produced a year-end show at Artspring Theatre on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.

StageCoach Theatre School Society was incorporated as a Non-Profit under the Province of BC’s Society Act on October 23rd, 2000.


The many board members (ALL volunteers) that have kept this school running smoothly through the seasons must be acknowledged here with respect and deep gratitude, for without their hard work and dedication to the students,


StageCoach would have ceased to be! Thank you!

Many individuals have taught our students over the years, vast and rich with professionalism and talent!


Joi Freed-Garrod
Rachel Jacobson
Lynda Jensen
Don Keith
Oona McOuat
Sue Newman
Maggie O’Scalleigh
Andrea Rabinovitch
Robbyn Scott
Jill Smith
Bob Twaites



The Board of Directors, Staff and students of StageCoach Theatre School would like to acknowledge some of the organizations and businesses that have helped us with fundraising in the form of grants, discounts, donations of money, time and product for many years:


Barb’s Bakery and Bistro
Bohemia Consignment
British Columbia Lottery and Gaming Commission
Country Grocer
Lions Club of Salt Spring
Salt Spring Books
Salt Spring Coffee
Salt Spring Island Foundation
Thrifty Foods
TJ Beans
West Of The Moon
Windsor Plywood


And a few anonymous donors that helped when we needed them the most!


And lastly, to the families; kids and parents alike, who steadfastly bake, pin and sew, paint sets and faces, run lines and posters, bring food, water and scripts to class: Your dedication in time and energy has manifested as a tangible, safe environment for our students to play, imagine, learn and grow.

This school is yours…

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